What is it going to take? Or bluntly, who is going to have to die before American political leaders develop the moral courage to distinguish between peaceful protestors and violent agitators bent on destruction of property, systems, and life?
When a "gunman" walks up to a sheriff's vehicle and shoot a 31-year old female a mother, and a 24-year-old male deputy without provocation, then individuals variously called "protestors," "Black Lives Matter protestors," a "crowd" block the emergency entrance to the hospital and chant "We hope they die," and other F-word descriptions of the police, and it gets scant coverage in certain major media, our culture is in deep trouble.
Wantonly shooting anyone, black or white, is not about ending racism, nor is it about anything other than evil.
When the Portland, Minneapolis Mayors all but sang “Kum ba yah” with rioters, only to have them turn on them; when major media tap dance around nightly violence, calling it “mostly peaceful,” when crime becomes a partisan matter, this has nothing to do with genuine interest in improving civil rights and race relations. Such anarchy hurts everyone, including minority-owned businesses.
I for one am concerned about the future of the USA, no matter who wins the presidential election, and I’m especially concerned about what happens Nov 3-4, particularly if the election is close.
© Rex M. Rogers – All Rights Reserved, 2020
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